landing page best practices: 7 Landing Page Best Practices You Need to Know

So you’ve built an amazing new product or service and now you need to drive traffic to your website. You know that your landing page is the first impression potential customers will have of your business, so you want to make sure you nail it. The problem is, with so much advice out there on the “best” ways to design a landing page, it can be hard to know where to start. Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. We’ve distilled the top recommendations from experts into 7 landing page best practices you need to implement to convert more visitors into customers. Whether you’re looking to increase signups, drive more sales, or spread awareness of your brand, these tips will help ensure your landing page is as effective as possible. Now, let’s dive right into the essentials of landing page best practices.

landing page best practices: Optimize Your Landing Page for Conversions

Want to turn more visitors into customers? Focus on optimizing your landing page. Here are some best practices to follow:

Make your headline clear and compelling. Your headline should capture attention and communicate your key message or offer. Think benefits over features.

Use visuals to demonstrate your key points. Images, graphics, screenshots, videos or interactive content help bring your points to life in an engaging way. People are visual — don’t just tell them about your product or service, show them.

Keep your content scannable. Use bullet points, numbered lists, bold text, and headings to make information easy to navigate. No large blocks of text!

Highlight the key benefits. Explain how your product or service will positively impact the customer. What specific problems does it solve? What value will they gain? Focus on the benefits that matter most to your target audience.

Include social proof like reviews or testimonials. Build trust by showing real customer experiences and feedback. But keep these authentic and relevant.

Place your call-to-action prominently. Your CTA should be highly visible and encourage the next step you want visitors to take, like signing up, buying, or contacting you. Make it stand out!

Optimize for mobile. Most people access landing pages on their phones now. Ensure your page is responsive and the experience is seamless across devices. Your conversions will thank you.

Test and optimize. Regularly test different elements of your landing page to see what’s working and not working. Make incremental improvements over time based on the data to increase your conversions.

Landing page optimization is key to turning more traffic into customers. Follow these best practices and your business will be reaping the rewards in no time!

landing page best practices: Focus on a Single Call-to-Action

A landing page is your first impression, so you need to nail it. Focusing on a single call-to-action is key. Don’t distract your visitors or confuse them with too many options.

Have a clear headline that conveys your key message or offer. Use an attention-grabbing image that reinforces your headline. In your opening paragraph, briefly explain the value or benefit. Keep things concise but compelling.

Below the fold, elaborate on the details and features using bullet points or short paragraphs. Use visuals like icons to help break up the text and keep it skimmable. Wrap up with a summary of the key benefits before presenting your CTA button.

Make that button big, bold and visually distinct. Place it prominently on the page, ideally at both the top and the bottom. The button text should be a clear call to action, e.g. “Sign Up Now,” “Get Started Today,” or “Learn More.”

When visitors click that CTA, the page should transition seamlessly to your conversion goal. That could be a signup form, sales page or checkout. Remove any navigation links that could distract them or allow them to exit prematurely.

A focused landing page is essential to achieving a high conversion rate. Lead your visitors step-by-step down the path you want them to follow. Give them one obvious way forward and make it easy for them to take action. With a compelling offer and a single, prominent CTA, you’ll turn more visitors into customers or subscribers in no time.

landing page best practices: Use Attention-Grabbing Headlines

A compelling headline is absolutely critical for capturing attention and enticing readers to keep going. As an old marketing adage goes, “You have 5 seconds to grab my attention—GO!” With so much content competing for readers’ focus these days, you need a headline that instantly sparks interest.

Make it Specific and Benefit-Focused

Vague, generic headlines like “Learn About Landing Pages” won’t drive much traffic or engagement. Be ultra-specific about what the reader will learn or the key benefit they’ll gain, e.g. “5 Ways to Double Your Landing Page Conversion Rates in 30 Days”. This headline promises a clear benefit and timeframe, piquing interest. You can also highlight the number of tips, tools, or case studies they’ll discover.

Pose an Interesting Question

A headline styled as a question can be highly compelling by tapping into the reader’s curiosity. For example, “Are You Making These 3 Common Mistakes on Your Landing Pages?” or “What If You Could Increase Sales by 25% Just By Optimizing Your Landing Page?” Questions are interactive and engaging, and the reader will click through to find the answer.

Use Numbers Whenever Possible

Whether it’s highlighting a statistic, countdown, or number of tips/tools, numbers in headlines attract attention and convey a sense of credibility or authority. For example, “23 Foolproof Ways to Improve Your Landing Page Conversion Rates” or “Case Study: How I Grew Revenue by 312% with These Landing Page Hacks”. Numbers suggest practical, actionable content and a headline like this will get clicked.

Include Power Words and Phrases

Certain words have an ability to captivate readers, like “secrets,” “hacks,” “boost,” “skyrocket,” “maximize,” or “revolutionize.” Using power words and phrases in your headline helps convey excitement and the promise of amazing results or insights. For example, “Landing Page Secrets to Skyrocket Your Sales” or “7 Hacks to Revolutionize Your Lead Generation Landing Pages”. Power words give headlines an extra punch of persuasiveness.

landing page best practices: Include Relevant Images and Videos

Images and videos are essential for engaging visitors and keeping them on your landing page. Here are some best practices for including visual media:

Use High-Quality, Relevant Images

Choose images that are crisp, clear, and directly relate to your offer or product. For example, if you’re promoting workout equipment, show images of people using the equipment or close-up shots of the equipment itself. Make sure any images you use are high resolution – at least 1000px wide. Low quality images look unprofessional and won’t convert visitors.

Keep Your Images Consistent

Use the same filter or color scheme for your images so they look cohesive on the page. For example, if most of your images have a bright, vibrant filter, don’t throw in a few black and white images. This kind of inconsistency can be jarring for visitors.

Include Images of People

Images of people using your product or service help visitors visualize how it can benefit them. Smiling faces, in particular, make people feel good and naturally draw us in. Just be sure to use authentic, diverse images of people who represent your target audience.

Embed High-Impact Videos

Short videos, around 30 to 90 seconds, are ideal for landing pages. You can show your product in action or have customers share authentic testimonials about their experience. Like with images, make sure any videos are high quality and directly relevant to your offer.

Place Media Above the Fold

“Above the fold” refers to the content visible on a webpage when it first loads, without needing to scroll. Place your most important and impactful images, graphics, and videos above the fold so visitors see them right away. This helps capture their interest and encourages them to keep scrolling to learn more.

Using visual media effectively helps bring your landing page to life, builds trust and credibility, and keeps visitors engaged. With compelling images and videos in place, you’ll capture more leads and sales.

FAQs: Common Questions About Landing Page Best Practices

One of the most common questions about landing pages is: “How many FAQs should I include?” As a general rule of thumb, aim for 3 to 5 of the most frequently asked questions from your potential customers. You want enough to address major concerns but not so many that it overwhelms the reader.

A second common question is: “Should the FAQs be at the top or bottom of the page?” There is no definitive answer here—it depends on your particular offer and audience. If you think the FAQs will help reassure visitors and encourage them to read further, placing them prominently at the top may be good. However, if the FAQs are more supplemental, the bottom of the page may be better. Test both options to see which leads to better conversion rates.

Another common question: “How in-depth should the FAQ answers be?” Keep your answers concise but comprehensive. A sentence or two for each question is usually sufficient. You want to directly and fully address the question without rambling. Use bullet points if needed to keep answers scannable. However, if a question requires a more complex answer, do provide all the necessary details to satisfy the reader.

A final frequent question is: “Should I include FAQs for product questions only or also about the buying process?” Include a mix of both product-related questions as well as questions about shipping, returns, payments, and the overall customer experience. Your visitors will have questions about all aspects of your offer, so address anything that could raise objections or concerns in their minds.

FAQs are a simple but highly effective way to anticipate and answer your potential customers’ questions. By focusing on the most common and important questions, keeping answers concise but comprehensive, and including a mix of product and process FAQs, you’ll help reassure visitors and clear the path for conversion.


So there you have it, 7 landing page best practices to implement on your own site. Optimizing your landing pages is one of the best ways to generate more leads and sales for your business. Don’t miss out on these proven techniques that can skyrocket your conversion rates overnight. What are you waiting for? Pick one practice to focus on this week and get started. Your visitors and bottom line will thank you. Keep tweaking and testing to find what works best for your unique audience. With a little time and effort, you’ll have landing pages that convert like crazy.

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