Landing Page vs Website: Making the Right Choice for Your Business

So you’ve got an online business or service and you’re wondering whether to build a landing page or an entire website. It’s an important decision that can impact how you attract and convert customers. A landing page is a single page focused on one goal, like capturing email addresses or selling a product. A website has multiple pages and serves as an online hub for your business. Landing Page vs Website.. which be best for your business? let’s read on to discover which is best.

As a business owner with limited time and money, you want to make the choice that will yield the biggest return on investment. The good news is you don’t necessarily have to pick one or the other. You can start with a landing page to validate your idea or promote a new offer, then expand to a full website as your business grows. Or you can have a website and use landing pages for special promotions.

The key is to think about what will be most effective for your business and marketing goals right now. If you want to keep things simple to start, go with a landing page. If you have a lot to share about your brand, products, and services, a full website is probably a better fit. With the right strategy, either option can help you connect with your customers and drive more sales.

Landing Page vs Website: What Is a Landing Page?

A landing page is a single web page focused on one specific goal. Unlike a full website with many pages, a landing page has a singular purpose: to get visitors to take one specific action, like buying a product, signing up for a newsletter, or scheduling a demo.

Landing pages are great for targeted marketing campaigns through social media, email, or ads. When someone clicks through to your landing page, they immediately know what the page is about and what you want them to do. No navigating through menus or blog posts. Just a simple page with a clear call-to-action.

Some key things every landing page should have:

  1. An attention-grabbing headline. This headline should capture interest and communicate the key benefit or offer. Make it exciting!
  2. A visually compelling design. Use eye-catching graphics, videos, images or icons to draw attention and engage visitors. The design should also be uncluttered and lead the eye down the page.
  3. A clear value proposition. Explain how your offering will benefit the customer. Focus on the most important features and benefits.
  4. Social proof. Include testimonials, reviews, case studies or customer stories to build trust and credibility.
  5. A strong call-to-action. Tell the visitor exactly what you want them to do, like “Sign Up Now” or “Learn More”. Place the CTA prominently on the page, typically at the top and bottom.
  6. Minimal navigation. Remove menus and links that lead elsewhere. You want visitors focused on the one goal of your landing page.

If you do it right, a landing page can be a simple yet powerful tool to drive conversions and get more customers. So think about your goals and get started creating your high-impact landing page today!

Landing Page vs Website: What Is a Website?

A website is an online home base for your business. It allows you to share information about your company, products, services, and brand with customers and prospects.

Unlike a landing page, a website has multiple pages that are interconnected. The homepage introduces visitors to your business and links to other pages with more details. You may have pages for:

  • Products or services: Describe what you offer, features and benefits, pricing, etc.
  • About us: Share your business story, mission and vision, team bios, etc.
  • Blog: Publish helpful articles, news, tips, and other content to engage visitors and rank well in search engines.
  • Contact: Provide ways for people to get in touch with your company.
  • And more: You can include resources, portfolios, customer stories, etc.

A good website is:

Professional and Consistent. Have a consistent look and feel across all pages. Use high-quality images and your business’s brand colors, fonts, and logo.

Optimized for search engines (SEO). Choose page titles, URLs, headings, and content that people are likely to search for. Make sure pages load quickly.

User-friendly. Site navigation should be clear, simple and intuitive. Content should be well-organized, easy to scan, and mobile-friendly.

Regularly updated. Keep content fresh by blogging at least once a week and updating other pages as needed. Outdated information damages credibility.

If done well, a custom website can be the best digital asset for promoting your business. While it requires more time and money than a landing page, the long term benefits to your online presence and search engine rankings make it worth the investment. A website shows you’re professional, established, and here to stay.

Landing Page vs Website: Key Differences

A landing page and a website are two of the most important tools for promoting your business online. While related, they serve different purposes. Understanding the key differences between the two can help you determine which option(s) are right for your needs.


A landing page is a single web page focused on converting visitors into leads by capturing their contact information. It highlights one product, service, or promotion. In contrast, a website is broader and aims to establish your brand and engage visitors. It contains multiple pages to tell your brand story, share products/services, blog posts, contact information, and more.


Landing pages contain minimal content – just enough to entice the visitor to convert by providing their email or other information. Websites have in-depth content like company background, product details, blog posts, images, and videos to inform and engage visitors.


Landing pages have a simple yet eye-catching design to capture attention and quickly convey your key message. Websites generally have a more comprehensive design that is consistent across multiple pages to create a cohesive brand experience.


Building a landing page is often very affordable or even free using tools like Leadpages, Unbounce or Instapage. Developing a custom website tends to cost significantly more due to the time required for design, development, and continued updates and maintenance. However, website builders like Wix, Weebly and WordPress offer low-cost DIY options as well.

In summary, a landing page is ideal when you want to generate leads for one specific promotion or product. A full website is better if you want to establish a professional online presence to tell your brand story and promote all your offerings. For many businesses, using both a landing page and website together is the perfect solution.

Landing Page vs Website: When Should You Use a Landing Page?

A landing page is a focused web page designed specifically to convert visitors into leads or customers. Unlike a general website homepage, landing pages have a single goal and message. They are a useful tool for:

  • Promoting a new product or service. A landing page allows you to highlight the key benefits and features of what you’re offering to generate interest and capture customer information.
  • Running a campaign. If you have a special promotion or sale going on, a landing page helps communicate the details and call the visitor to take action. You can link to it from your email marketing campaign, social media ads, and other channels driving traffic.
  • Collecting leads. A landing page with an email signup form is an easy way to grow your mailing list. Offer a compelling piece of content or resource in exchange for the visitor’s contact information.
  • Selling a product. For an ecommerce business, landing pages enable you to focus the visitor on one particular product. Include product photos, specifications, pricing, and of course the all-important “buy now” button.

The key to an effective landing page is keeping it simple but persuasive. Have a clear headline and subheadline that conveys your message. Use images and multimedia to demonstrate the benefits. Keep forms short, with just a few fields to fill out. And have a prominent call-to-action like “Sign Up Now,” “Buy Today,” or “Get Started” to prompt the user to take the next step.

In summary, landing pages should be used any time you want to draw attention to and motivate action on something specific—whether it’s a new offer, product, service or campaign. They give you an opportunity to engage visitors and turn them into customers or subscribers. By focusing the content and choices, you make it easy for people to do business with you.

Landing Page vs Website: When Should You Build a Full Website?

At some point, you may find that your landing page is limiting your business. If you’re finding it difficult to convey all the important information about your company and products or services on a single page, it may be time to build a full website.

A website gives you more space and flexibility to share details on your business. You have room for in-depth product or service descriptions, customer testimonials, an online store, a blog, and more. Your website can become a comprehensive resource for your customers and help establish you as an authority in your industry.

When should you make the move from a landing page to a website? Here are some signs it may be time:

  • You have multiple products or service offerings. A single page can’t do them justice.
  • You want to start blogging or publishing more in-depth content.
  • You need an online store or shopping cart to sell products.
  • Your business has grown and a landing page no longer reflects your brand.
  • You want to improve your search engine optimization (SEO). A website typically ranks higher in search results than a single page.

Building a custom website does require an investment of both time and money. However, it can be well worth it for the long term success of your business. A professional website helps build trust and credibility with your customers, and gives you room to grow as your business expands.

When you’re ready to take the next step, look for a reputable web design agency or freelance web designer to help you create an stunning website tailored to your unique needs. They can also help you determine if you need anything beyond a basic site like ecommerce functionality or a blog.

A full website is a big milestone, but also an opportunity to establish a strong online presence. Make the investment in a well-designed website, and you’ll reap the benefits for years to come.


So there you have it. A landing page or a website – it really comes down to your business needs and goals. If you’re looking to capture leads or promote a single product, a landing page is likely your best bet. It’s focused, optimized, and gets the job done. But if you want to establish a broader online presence, share your brand story, or offer an array of products and services, a full website is the way to go. At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you have an online home for your business. Whether that’s a simple but impactful landing page or a robust multi-page website, make sure it’s a space that represents your brand well and speaks to your ideal customers. The internet is open for business – now go claim your spot!

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